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Англо-русский словарь - sand


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Перевод с английского языка sand на русский

 1. noun
 1) песок; гравий
 2) pl. песчинки; numberless as the sand(s) - бесчисленные, как песок морской
 3) pl. песчаный пляж; отмель
 4) pl. пески; пустыня
 5) песок в песочных часах; fig.; usu. pl. время; дни жизни; the sands are running out -
 а) время подходит к концу;
 б) дни сочтены; конец близок
 6) amer.; coll. мужество, стойкость; выдержка
 7) песочный цвет - built on sand - throw sand in the wheels
 2. v.
 1) посыпать песком; зарывать в песок
 2) чистить или шлифовать песком; The quality of the finished paintwork depends on how well you sanded the wood down.
 3) подмешивать песок; to sand the sugar - подмешивать песок в сахар
 4) посадить судно на мель
SAND hog amer.; sl. рабочий, занятый на кессонных или подземных работах
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См. в других словарях

  1. песок, гравий fine sand —- тонкий песок a grain of sand —- песчинка a great figure covered with the sands of oblivion —- образ. великий человек, преданный забвению 2. обыкн. pl. песчинки numberless as the sands on the seashore —- бесчисленные как песчинки на морском берегу to number sands —- взять на себя непосильную задачу; пытаться сделать невозможное 3. обыкн. pl. песчаный пляж to play on the sands —- играть на пляже (на песке) 4. отмель, песчаная коса to run upon the sands —- сесть на мель 5. pl. пески, пустыня unending sands —- бесконечные пески 6. песок в песочных часах 7. pl. время; дни жизни the sands are running out (low) —- срок истекает; время подходит к концу; конец уже близок, жизнь подходит (близится) к концу the sands are numbered —- дни уже сочтены, конец близок 8. ам. разг. выдержка, стойкость характера, мужество a man with plenty of sand in him —- человек большой выдержки it takes sand to do it —- чтобы сделать это, требуется много мужества 9. песочный цвет 10. сл. деньги 11. разг. влажный, подмоченный сахар 12. горн. хвосты (от обогащения) Id: to plough the sand(s) —- заниматься бесполезным делом, тратить силы впустую Id: to build on sand —- строить на песке Id: to put (to throw) sand in the wheels (in the machine) —- ставить палки в колеса, создавать искусственные препятствия Id: to knock the sand from under smb. —- выбить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) песок 2) песчаная почва 3) pl пески, пустыня – barchan sands – blown sands – fixed sands ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) пескотруйный 2) песок 3) песочный 4) песчанистый 5) песчаный 6) посыпать песком 7) пригар 8) шкурить glaze on sand banks — наваривать откос песком glaze on sand bottom — наваривать под мартена песком green sand molding — формовка по сырому lean molding sand — тощий формовочный песок open sand casting — литье в открытые формы reclamation of molding sand — регенерация формовочной смеси strong molding sand — жирный формовочный песок - burnt-on sand - clean sand - close sand - coarse sand - drift sand - dry sand casting - dry sand molding - filter sand - ignite sand - medium sand - molding sand - mortar sand - open sand - quartz sand - sand bar - sand bath - sand blaster - sand blasting - sand blister - sand cement - sand filter - sand fraction - sand glass - sand hole - sand load - sand paper - sand recovery - sand tank - slag sand - standard sand - water-bearing sand ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  песок; песчаный грунт aeolian sand beach sand blast sand blown sand cement testing sand clay sand coarse sand concrete sand dead sand dune sand fine sand flowing sand glass sand grouting sand industrial sand keramzite sand Leightern Buzzard sand loamy sand loose damp sand manufactured sand medium coarse sand middle-sized sand natural sand natural building sand regular concrete sand running sand sharp sand standard sand stone sand SAND ASPHALT песчаный асфальт; песчаный асфальтобетон ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) песок 2) нефтеносный песок, нефтеносный песчаный пласт 3) песчаный грунт 4) формовочная смесь 5) шлифовать песком 6) зачищать шлифовальной шкуркой 7) мн. ч. песчаная отмель - air-setting sand - backing sand - bank-run sand - black sand - blast-furnace sand - blended molding sand - blowing sand - burnish sand - burnt sand - ceramic sand - clay sand - coarse-grained sand - coarse sand - concrete sand - core sand - dredged sand - drifting sand - fine-graincd sand - fine sand - flint sand - fracturing sand - glass-making sand - graded sand - green sand - grinding sand - hard sand - haydite sand - heap sand - iron sand - keramzite sand - loamy sand - loose sand - manufactured sand - mason's sand - mineral sand - molding sand - mortar sand - oil-bearing sand - oil sand - parting sand - pit sand - pit-run sand - plastering sand - refractory sand - runner sand - running sand - sandblast sand - saturated sand - siliceous sand - special road-oil sand - standard sand - tar sand - top sand - treated sand - uniform sand - vitreous sand - water-bearing sand ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a loose granular substance resulting from the wearing down of esp. siliceous rocks and found on the seashore, river-beds, deserts, etc. 2 (in pl.) grains of sand. 3 (in pl.) an expanse or tracts of sand. 4 a light yellow-brown colour like that of sand. 5 (in pl.) a sandbank. 6 US colloq. firmness of purpose; grit. --v.tr. 1 smooth or polish with sandpaper or sand. 2 sprinkle or overlay with, or bury under, sand. 3 adulterate (sugar etc.) with sand. Phrases and idioms sand bar a sandbank at the mouth of a river or US on the coast. sand-bath a vessel of heated sand to provide uniform heating. sand-bed a stratum of sand. sand-cloud driving sand in a simoom. sand-crack 1 a fissure in a horse's hoof. 2 a crack in the human foot from walking on hot sand. 3 a crack in brick due to imperfect mixing. sand dollar US any of various round flat sea urchins, esp. of the order Clypeasteroida. sand-dune (or -hill) a mound or ridge of sand formed by the wind. sand eel any eel-like fish of the family Ammodytidae or Hypotychidae: also called LAUNCE. sand-flea a chigoe or sand-hopper. sand-glass = HOURGLASS. sand-groper Austral. 1 a gold-rush pioneer. 2 joc. a Western Australian. sand-hill a dune. sand-hopper any of various small jumping crustaceans of the order Amphipoda, burrowing on the seashore. sand-martin a swallow-like bird, Riparia riparia, nesting in the side of a sandy bank etc. the sands are running out the allotted time is nearly at an end. sand-shoe a shoe with a canvas, rubber, hemp, etc., sole for use on sand. sand-skipper = sand-hopper. sand-yacht a boat on wheels propelled along a beach by wind. Derivatives sander n. sandlike adj. Etymology: OE sand f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German sant ~, Latin sabulum, Greek psammos  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a loose granular material that results from the disintegration of rocks, consists of particles smaller than gravel but coarser than silt, and is used in mortar, glass, abrasives, and foundry molds  b. soil containing 85 percent or more of ~ and a maximum of 10 percent of clay; broadly ~y soil  2.  a. a tract of ~ ; beach  b. a ~bank or ~bar  3. the ~ in an hourglass; also the moments of a lifetime — usually used in plural the ~s of this government run out very rapidly — H. J. Laski  4. an oil-producing formation of ~stone or unconsolidated ~  5. firm resolution  6. a yellowish-gray color  II. transitive verb  Date: 14th century  1. to sprinkle or dust with or as if with ~  2. to cover or fill with ~  3. to smooth or dress by grinding or rubbing with an abrasive (as ~paper) SAND  biographical name George 1804-1876 pseudonym of Amandine-Aurore-Lucie (or -Lucile) Dudevant nee Dupin French writer ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sands, sanding, sanded) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Sand is a substance that looks like powder, and consists of extremely small pieces of stone. Some deserts and many beaches are made up of sand. They all walked barefoot across the damp sand to the water’s edge. ...grains of sand. N-UNCOUNT 2. Sands are a large area of sand, for example a beach. ...miles of golden sands. N-PLURAL 3. If you sand a wood or metal surface, you rub sandpaper over it in order to make it smooth or clean. Sand the surface softly and carefully. VERB: V n • Sand down means the same as sand. I was going to sand down the chairs and repaint them... Simply sand them down with a fine grade of sandpaper. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a) a substance consisting of very small pieces of rocks and minerals, that forms beaches and deserts  (footprints in the sand) b) this substance when it is found in soil, used in building etc  (a mixture of sand and cement) 2 sands BrE an area of beach  (miles of golden sands) 3 the sands of time literary moments of time that pass quickly ~2 v 1 also sand down to make a surface smooth by rubbing it with sandpaper or using a special piece of equipment 2 to put sand on a frozen road to make it safer ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  funny abbr. Steve's Amazing New Device NASDAQ abbr. Sandata, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sand, from P.Gmc. *sanda-, from PIE base *samatha-. Metaphoric for "innumerability" since O.E. The verb is c.1385, from the noun. Sandbag is from 1590, verb sense of "pretend weakness" is 1970s; sandpaper is from 1812; sandstone is from 1668. Sandman, bringer of sleep, is Amer.Eng., cf. Ger. Sandmann, Norwegian Ole Lukoie "Olaf Shuteye," the dustman. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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